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March 2010 Archives

March 8, 2010

Gothic Lolita bloomers pattern and revamped Dearmach

My Gothic Lolita bloomers how-to (PDF, 184Kb) has been online for three years, but not linked to, as it was being tested. I have now made a couple of changes based on feedback and it's available under a Creative Commons licence.


I also recently updated one of my Insular fonts, Dearmach. It's undergone such a thorough reworking that I wasn't sure whether the new version should even have the same name.

About March 2010

This page contains all entries posted to The Drey in March 2010. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2010 is the previous archive.

October 2010 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

Creative Commons License
This weblog is licensed under a Creative Commons License.